Saturday, December 12, 2009

14 Days of Awe-full Holiday Ornaments

Sorry this one was posted a tad late. I've been busy shooting a bunch more, and let me tell you, there are some gems on their way!

Don't forget - if you or someone you know has an ugly ornament, you owe it to the world to let us know ;)

And now... more Awe-full holiday ornaments for your viewing pleasure...

Penguin. No string or hook to hang it on the tree, so I guess it goes in the manger. Since when are penguins synonomous with Christmas or any holiday for that fact?!

Mischievous santa mouse - complete with real lab mouse fur and a pipe cleaner tree or umbrella. I can't really tell.

Oh, Lion... you're the fluffiest!

Victorian hippie corkhusker.

Pass this on:

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