Tuesday, December 8, 2009

17 Days of Awe-full Holiday Ornaments

This holiday season, I’m embarking on a journey... It’s a journey born of Styrofoam balls, pieces of used window screens, cotton balls, wine corks, stale miniature marshmallows, and of course, the versatile pipe cleaner.

My journey will take me to the depths of musty basements, dusty attics, cluttered garages, the deepest recesses of closets and backyard sheds. Fighting through cobwebs and tissue paper and risking the perils of shaky ladders will not keep me from my conquest, my goal, my mission – to uncover the most awe-ful holiday ornaments.

Each day I’ll unearth new ornaments for your visual edification – some more hideous than the next – from my family’s collection or those of friends, or friends of friends, or friends of friends of friends. And yet, I’ll thirst for more. I want to see your ornaments!

I’m starting a photographic collection of ugly, funny, strange, and kitschy holiday ornaments, and I would love to photograph yours. What’s the story behind the ornament? Did you make it when you were in second grade and your mom didn’t have the heart to toss it in the trash heap? Let me know if you have one to shoot and we'll arrange it. Email me at jason@tinacciphoto.com.

And now, without further adieu... Awe-full ornaments...

Styrofoam snowlady. Reminds me of Mrs. Doubtfire. Notice the fine knit work.

Nothing will dampen this little fella's Christmas spirit despite the fact that he was impaled by a metal hook, and has no way of actually hanging on the tree due to his broken string.

A horse made of corks, of corks, of course.

Styrofoam snowman with baseball hat. Put me in, coach... the tree!

This mighty mouse doesn't want to work. He wants to bang on his drum all day - using his prosethetic arms.

See you tomorrow with more awe-full ornaments!

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